We know some of you might just run out of the house, shout "Happy New year," then crawl off to bed.
Most of us want more.
So we asked one of the region's most-veteran restaurant families for celebration tips.
Philadelphia's official New Year traditions start with fireworks and end with musicians in costume. It's worked for over a century!
Chances are, your own traditions are less complicated but no less festive.
If you're the host, simple steps can minimize the work and let you enjoy your own party. Center City's Oyster House offers all sorts of shellfish perfectly plated and ready to serve.
Many prefer clams and oysters served raw, on the half-shell. If you want something easy to cook, top shucked clams with a simple garnish like sweet pepper strips. Five minutes under the broiler and you're eating clams casino.
Cocktails, too, taste best when fresh.
With food and beverages, a little garnish adds eye appeal, and THAT makes guests more interested.
Rather go out?
The Oyster House has a $65 New Year's Eve special starting at 5:00 p.m.