'Ghost' of deceased dad added to touching family portrait

ByRachel Schwartz WPVI logo
Saturday, April 4, 2015
(Kayli Rene' Photography)
Kayli Rene' Photography

The arrival of your first child is usually one of the happiest times in a parent's life, but for Sierra Sharry it was also a time of extreme heartache. Sharry's husband Lane died just weeks before she gave birth to their son Taos. In a touching tribute to the family's undying love for each other, a photographer added Lane's image to a portrait of Sierra holding their young son.

Oklahoma photographer Kayli Henley told ABC that she had no idea of the family tragedy that had taken place going into what she thought was going to be a standard photo shoot of the little boy at 6 months old. It was only when Sierra asked her to photograph Taos in his daddy's boots did she learn that Lane Sharry had passed away from a head injury when Sierra was eight months pregnant.

Henly asked for a photo of Lane and then combined the images in Photoshop. The result is beautiful and haunting -- a translucent Lane looking over Sierra and Taos standing together in a grove of trees with sunlight filtering down through the branches.

Sierra was thrilled with the result. Henley shared a message from Sierra on her Facebook page:

"Thanks to Kayli I now have a picture of my little family. It brought me to tears as I know it will many if y'all. This is how I picture us. Taos and I living our lives the best we can with Lane ALWAYS watching over our shoulder. He is watching out for his little boy better than anyone and i know he's got to be so proud."

The image has been shared thousands of times, with other families now reaching out to Henley for family photos with their deceased loved ones.

"I do hair full time, [so] photography has always just been a passion and a hobby so this has been overwhelming to get so much recognition for a photo," Henley told ABC via email. "I was just doing my job, I'm speechless, in shock, I have absolutely no words. Its [sic] such a tragic story of love, loss, but sierra [sic] remains positive and hopeful through It [sic] all."

Henley says people have asked how they can help Sierra and Taos. A trust fund has been set up for those that want to contribute:

Legacy Bank

PO Box B

Binger, OK 73009

Lane Frost Smith Tragedy Support Trust

See more of Kayli Henley's photography on her Facebook page.

Image used with permission.