Girl Scout cookie sales begin in eastern Pennsylvania

Last year, Diahna Stubbs sold 8,070, making her the top seller for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania

ByNydia Han and Heather Grubola WPVI logo
Friday, January 19, 2024
Girl Scout cookie sales begin in eastern Pennsylvania
Girl Scout cookie sales begin in eastern Pennsylvania

LAFAYETTE HILL, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Girl Scouts cookie sales are starting again Thursday, and we have good news for those of you looking to get those Thin Mints and Samoas.

The Girl Scouts cookie program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world, teaching the girls business and money management skills and so much more.

And while some councils have had to make the tough decision to raise their prices to offset rising costs, one of our local councils, the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania, is keeping prices flat at $5 a box, except for the gluten-free cookies, which are $6 a box.

Girl Scout life is nonstop.

"We've made toys for people. We've made lunches," said Kyra Thompson, a fifth grader.

"I do activities, I go to camp, I go on trips and I sell cookies," said Diahna Stubbs.

And sell she does. Last year Stubbs sold 8,070, making her the top seller for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania and helping the council bring in $19 million of gross sales.

"I walked around my neighborhood and I sold cookies. I sold them at school," said Diahna.

Raising more than funds but also fulfilling the Girl Scouts mission to build character, confidence, and courage.

"I learned how to get out of my comfort zone and talk to more people," said Amber Thompson a seventh grader.

Amber and Kyra Thompson each sold more than 5,000 boxes last year, making them top sellers, too.

"It's a really awesome program that we've had for 110 years," explained Kim Fraites-Dow, CEO of Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania.

Fraites-Dow, says the Girl Scouts is a great equalizer.

"Girls from all over our Girl Scout council are selling these cookies no matter what financial background she comes from, and it gives her an opportunity to earn money for herself, and for her troop and to do amazing things," said Fraites-Dow.

The Thin Mints, Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties are all on the top 10 list of highest-selling cookies in the country. Girls who sell just a few months out of the year can beat out big companies that sell all year long.

"It's a lot of work but it's all worth it in the end," said Kyra.

"I like meeting new people and I like the rewards I get," said Diahna.

And Diahna happens to be part of our extended Action News family. Her grandmother, Carita Hernandez, was one of our beloved photographers and certainly, the apple did not fall far from the tree.

Cookie sales for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania continues through March 10. You can view the flavors at:

Sales in Southern New Jersey began January 12.

Digital sales in Northern Delaware are on now, with in-person sales beginning February 9.

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