The #IceBucketChallenge has taken over social media, with celebs participating in the trend while rapidly raising awareness and donations for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.) According to the ALS Association, the viral craze has brought in over $22.9 million dollars in donations as of August 19th. But one of the unexpected yet delightful side effects of this social media frenzy are hilarious bloopers of people messing up their Ice Bucket Challenge attempts.
Some people started pouring their buckets too early, others didn't properly defrost their ice, and others accidentally dropped the whole bucket all together. These participants were still successful in generating awareness for ALS, but they definitely failed the challenge. Check out the funniest ALS Ice Bucket Challenge fails below.
You're supposed to drop the ice, not the bucket.
Make sure your backup crew is properly trained to handle buckets.
Make sure your bucket is sturdy enough to carry water.
Only perform the challenge during the day to avoid accidents like this.
Inflatable slides are not recommended for the challenge.
New Yorkers need a better grip on their buckets.
Usually the challenge is done with ice water, not completely frozen ice.