Free Narcan kits being offered as part of 'Stop Overdoses in Pa. Week' on Thursday.
SOUTH PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Thursday the state gave out anti-overdose medications, for free, at 80 locations. It's a plan to combat the opioid crisis taking lives throughout Pennsylvania.
"All you do is take it out of the kit, peel back, it just looks like a pack of gum then put it right up to the person's nose and push, that is all you have to do," said Meg Carter of the Philadelphia Health Department.
In Philadelphia and in Delaware County and across the state public health workers are busy getting Naloxone into people's hands for free.
The medication can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose if given in time.
Meg Carter of the Philadelphia Health Department said, "The more people that carry Naloxone and understand what it does and why it is important and can help."
"In the event, someone should overdose, so I would like to be prepared to try to save them," said Denise Dimarco of Norwood, Pa.
Those picking up the boxes of Narcan spray will be shown on how to use it.
Then a 911 call must be made, the spray, not a magic bullet but it can give an overdose victim a few extra minutes until the EMS arrives.
For some, the issue is close to home, they have addicted loved ones.
Beth Smith of the Pennsylvania Department of Health said, "We have had tears shed as people are watching how to administer the Narcan."
For others, it's about strangers suffering in an opioid-induced stupor.
"Now I have the peace of mind if I ever saw someone go down or something happen I might be able to give them a second chance," said Koren Kuznick of South Philadelphia.
"We are talking about people's lives, it's not just a broken leg or a broken arm, people are dying," added Jason Wimmer of South Philadelphia.
The health department and Governor Tom Wolf's administration are participating in the state's 'Stop Overdoses in Pa. Week' by giving out free Narcan - naloxone kits - at four Philadelphia libraries.
They are:
There are also suburban locations, 11:00 a.m. and 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted, including:
Berks County
Bucks County
Chester County
Delaware County
Montgomery County
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