CLEVELAND (WPVI) -- The Pennsylvania delegation to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio has front row seats, and they're getting big name speakers.
It was an overflow crowd at a breakfast on Monday morning for the delegates as House Speaker Paul Ryan addressed the group.
Ryan also serves as the chairman of the RNC, and his presence is a demonstration of how important Pennsylvania is to the GOP.
WATCH: RNC live coverage from ABC News
Everyone here is convinced that Pa. is in play. In fact, it has become a key ingredient to a Trump winning strategy.
But political observers are well familiar with what has been Ryan's discomfort with much of Trump's rhetoric during this campaign.
During his appearance Monday he mentioned Trump's name only twice, and both times to make this point.
"Look I know that this was a tough primary, a tough election. This is a binary choice: it is Trump or Clinton. That's your choice. And guess what? We have shown we've got the guts. We have shown we're willing to put our necks on the line. We have shown are putting the specifics on the table and we are giving the country a choice," he said.
Many delegates in the room this morning seemed much more emphatic in their support for Trump.
"Young people just swearing by Trump. It sort of reminds you of the days of Reagan in 1980," said Charlie Sexton of Springfield, Pa.
"This is my eighth convention, and I can tell you the energy here is palpable. The people are so enthused, they are so excited, they want to get out and get going. It's remarkable," said Pat Proprick, chair of the Bucks County GOP.
"I think the most important issue that's facing urban America is jobs. He's been a builder in his life, and I think he will be able to bring that kind of energy to what we need to eradicate some of the ills in our society," said Calvin Tucker of West Mt. Airy.
Ryan had emphatic praise for the other member of the national ticket: his former house colleague and now Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has been selected as Trump's running mate.