He's one of 45 seniors at Kensington International Business High using the new collegesupplement.com program to introduce themselves to college admissions officers.
"Because a regular application that you send to a college is not enough," Collins said. "This video, you get to see this person. You get to hear them speak. You get to know way more about them than just reading off of a paper."
The recording is placed on the CollegeSupplement site. Students share their pass code with colleges, that can then access a personal snapshot of the potential student.
It even includes a video clip highlighting athletic, musical or volunteer activities.
The software is helpful for students who cannot afford to travel to meet college admissions officers.
Collegesupplement's CEO says it can eliminate one socio-economic barrier to college.
"It levels the playing field for the kids that can't travel around. So historically the affluent kids could present themselves on campus and meet the admissions officers. Now every student has the opportunity to do that," said Steve Metzman of collegesupplement.com .
The software starts at $99. A corporate sponsor made it possible for these students. It's critical for17-year-old future businessman Dontae Burges, who has lived alone supporting himself since his aunt recently passed away.
"They get a lot of applications every year. They can't get chance to know anyone. If they see a video of m e they can see who I really am," Burges said.
The college supplement program is already catching on. Kensington is one of at least 5 area schools already using it to help their students access their college dreams.
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