Radnor taxpayers: Please raise our taxes

RADNOR, Pa. - April 27, 2010

In fact, the situation is so dire, some people were asking to have their taxes raised. It's not a request one often hears, yet it was said over and over again at the school board meeting.

Parents, students, and teachers packed the room, offering their comments regarding changes to the district's operations and programming to facilitate three to four million dollars in budget cuts.

Teacher Carla Skuchas pointed out the average tax increase for the five percent budget would be less than $300, which would be less than a dollar a day for taxpayers.

Some of the proposed changes that prompted the largest outcry were modifications to the music curriculum and teaching art in the regular classroom instead of scheduled art classes.

"The art allows her to be creative in other ways and develop as a human being. They may only be five, six or seven years old, but this is where it starts," said parent Jamie Forman.

As it stands, some teaching positions may be eliminated as programs are impacted.

However, the board stresses no personnel decisions have been made, saying they are working to maintain the high quality of education but are faced with budgetary challenges.

"No decision is final, nothing is set in stone at this point. Everything is still being looked at in a number of different scenarios. Our job is to preserve and enhance the education here at Radnor," said board president Greg McNicholas.

As for the next step, the board will apply to the state for modification of school programming, but the deadline is fast approaching.

The school will have to approve its final fiscal budget in June.

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