Parenting: Taking time for friends

June 14, 2010

This past weekend, I had a great day hanging out with one of my dearest friends.

My friend, Lenora, is a "Master Gardener". For her birthday, we spent the day in Franklinville at Triple Oaks Nursery. The event was called "Lovely Lavender Day". They have a number of events like this, and I recommend you give it a try!

The owner, Lorraine Kieffer, is an Herb Specialist who writes a column on herbs for the local newspaper. She led the way as we picked fresh lavender from her field. We walked through the natural gardens, which smelled heavenly. I learned herbs can be really useful. We plucked orange mint leaves from her plants and rubbed it on our arms to keep the bugs away (It really worked. I loved that tip).

Lavender is a beautifully fragrant, hardy perennial, which is known to have a calming, relaxing effect. It certainly worked on me. We made a lavender wreath, lavender bath salts and a sweet little pot of lavender to keep by your bedside.

Then we were treated to a beautiful lunch. You have to check out the pictures!

Lorraine's house is nestled in the woods and gardens. We had fresh squeezed lemonade and a perfect chicken salad lunch. Look at the photo I took of the deviled eggs. They were topped with edible flowers! Lunch ended with lavender cookies and a lavender pound cake in shape of a beehive.

It was a truly amazing, "girly" afternoon and a wonderful way to remind us parents to take the time to reconnect with our friends - and ourselves.

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