Mother duck lays eggs at Chick-fil-A drive-thru

AUDUBON, N.J. - April 6, 2011

A mother duck sat next to the Audubon Chick-Fil-A drive through beyond the sign for spicy chicken protecting her feathered nest of eggs.

"First time I've seen a duck with so many eggs. I never knew a duck could sit on all those eggs," said Jim Dingler.

"She was laying her eggs. And she had a huge throat," said Carrie Stanton.

"Some ducks out there with some eggs. That's where we get our chicken from I guess," said Raneen Bennett.

The duck was found after landscapers cleared away the overgrowth for an afternoon spring planting. Crews worked around her, but now with no more cover there's new concern for the sitting duck.

"She's out in the open and everybody can see her, and she's got to move them all across the highways to get them in some water," said Karen Montone.

Another concerned passerby notified The New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife who told her they would ensure the fowl was in fair shape.

She is far from a water source and now exposed. One expert says it's likely that the nest will need to be moved by the proper authorities of course to a more protected both the mama duck and her eggs are safe.

But in the meantime, the gawkers are working on a name for their neighborhood drive-through squawker.

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