Roofers find ways to beat the heat

VILLANOVA, Pa. - June 8, 2011

Being outside in the heat is one thing, working outside in the heat, is another.

"I think we're in for a very, very, you know hot summer," said Gary Selleck.

Workers from the C and C Roofing Company were working a job in Villanova, and some of the guys were given a little respite from the heat because of the shade-cover provided by the trees on the property along Sproul Road.

The roof-top temperature measured 93 degrees as early as 11:00am Wednesday morning.

The workers say the key to managing as the heat intensifies is to pace yourself.

"Every half-hour we take a 15 minute break and drink a lot of water," explained Selleck. "And like I said, the sports drinks put the electrolytes back in your body."

About a block away we found Arnold Macciocca doing stone-work on a property with a lot less shade.

The 71 year old contractor has been doing that kind of work for more than half-a-century, and he says, the sun doesn't scare him.

"The hotter the better," said Arnold. "There's nothing else I can say. With all the rain we've been having I appreciate the heat."

The pavement temperature where Mocciocca was working topped out at a bit over 130 degrees.

But it was a labor of love. Mr. Macciocca is working on the home of his son, Frank Macciocca.

Frank says he's a little concerned about his dad working in that kind of heat, but the feeling is not mutual.

"I just had my physical yesterday," said Arnold. "My cholesterol is 152; blood pressure perfect. The doctor says to keep right on working, and when you get tired, sit down.

But he said that rarely happens in his trade.

One of the roofers said he just hopes the heat isn't a prelude to summer, which doesn't officially begin for about two more weeks.

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