Zika virus could be key to treat brain cancer, researchers say

Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Zika virus could be key to treat brain cancer, researchers say
Zika virus could be key to treat brain cancer, researchers say - Ali Gorman reports during Action News at 5pm on September 19, 2018.

Researchers are trying to turn a complicated virus into a treatment for cancer by using the Zika virus to battle a deadly form of brain cancer.

The Zika virus can cause devastating effects for some pregnant women, including babies born with a severe birth defect.

It happens because the virus is able to get into brain cells. That ability is now helping researchers target a new treatment for glioblastoma.

Treating Glioblastoma: Ali Gorman reports during Action News at 5pm on August 27, 2018.

Researchers at the University of Texas in Galveston are converting their Zika virus vaccine, enabling it to attack cancer cells.

In mice, it successfully killed glioblastoma tumor cells, but it didn't harm healthy cells.

Glioblastoma is the type brain cancer that claimed the lives of Senator John McCain and former Phillie Darren Daulton.

The scientists are now working to make the vaccine a safer and more effective cancer-fighter for people.


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