Sisters spark weight loss domino effect with friends, family

Friday, October 11, 2019
Sisters spark weight loss domino effect with friends, family
Sisters spark weight loss domino effect with friends, family thanks to OnPoint Nutrition

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- When two sisters in South Jersey started losing weight, it created a snowball effect, inspiring friends and family to follow.

Like many sisters, Kara Byler and Kristin Hannon tend to copy each other. So when Kristin found out about a new weight loss program, her sister Kara wanted to see how it went. When Kristin started to see results, Kara joined, also signing up with OnPoint Nutrition.

It offers personalized nutrition sessions via Skype or Facetime.

Kristin lost 20 pounds in 6 months. For Kara, over 9 months, she says "I mean for me it was 40 pounds so a lot of people noticed."

People noticed and wanted in on their secret.

"We had an aunt who came on board, we had a lot of friends, sister in laws, it's just kind spiraled," said Kristin.

In fact, more than 20 friends and family joined altogether the group lost 500 pounds.

"We were shocked, that's awesome," the sisters said.

The biggest loser was their friend Alice who lost 100 pounds herself.

Founder of OnPoint Nutrition, Britney Kennedy, says this is the largest domino effect they've seen.

"It was almost comical because someone will call and we'll say how did you hear about OnPoint and they say well I'm friends with this person's sister who is this person's aunt twice removed who knows Kara and Kristin," she said.

She says the program works because it's not a fad or a quick fix. Clients work with nutritionists like Kate Sottosanti to tweak their diet, while still eating their favorite foods.

Weekly sessions hold you accountable and when you have a group like Kristen and Kara's, it adds extra layers of support increasing your odds for success.

"I feel great. I am ten pounds under my wedding weight which I thought I looked great then, but I am eating more than I have ever eaten," said Kara.

Kristin and Kara say the first two weeks were an adjustment, not because any foods were restricted, but because they had to plan ahead more.

But they say now it's just become a habit which is what makes weight loss sustainable - when it becomes a lifestyle change.

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