Action News Troubleshooters help lawnmower owner get new one

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Saturday, June 3, 2017
Action News Troubleshooters help lawnmower owner get new one
Action News Troubleshooters help lawnmower owner get new one. Nydia Han reports during Action News at 11 p.m. on June 2, 2017.

The Action News Troubleshooters helped a man get a lawnmower replaced with a brand new one after his went on the fritz.

A half-acre is how much grass Ray Bowman of Edgewater, New Jersey has to mow every week during peak season.

So imagine his frustration when his brand new riding tractor from Sears kept breaking down.

"I get the grass halfway done... Ka-pow!" Bowman said.

Bowman says a service technician came out and seemed to fix the problem, but just a few days later it happened again.

"I'm on my tractor and Ka-pow! I go, 'Oh, you got to be kidding me,' Bowman said.

So a second service call, and then yes, you guessed it.

Another couple of days later, it happened again.

"Back on the lawnmower I go. Again, grass is half cut... Ka-pow! Again!" Bowman said.

After a month, Bowman had had enough. After the fourth breakdown, he contacted Sears for a replacement.

And this is what the person on the phone told Bowman.

"'I'm not authorizing a new one and that's it!' Click!" Bowman said.

Then Bowman called and talked to one of our Troubleshooters at Call for Action.

"I understand she's a volunteer, but she was so nice. She called back, and everything got done, everything got handled," Bowman added.

Sears tells the Troubleshooters, "Our member solutions team has further reviewed Mr. Bowman's situation and replaced his riding mower and mulch kit."

Bowman said, "And the next thing I knew, I got a call: 'You're getting a new lawn tractor.'"

Action News followed up with Bowman. He says unlike the previous mower, this one works!

"It doesn't go 'Ka-pow!" he laughed.

"Had your people not gotten involved, I wouldn't have gotten it," Bowman continued. "I don't know what I would have done. (I) probably would have gone down and parked it in the Sears store with a sign on it and gotten in trouble."

Sears, meantime, also had this to say: "At Sears, our top priority is the satisfaction of our members. We hope he remains a loyal Sears customer..."

If you're having an issue, the Troubleshooters would love to try to help you.

You can email us through, give us call at 1-866-978-4232 or reach out on Facebook or Twitter.


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