Unisys weighs options

CENTER CITY - August 28, 2008 The company is currently headquartered in Blue Bell, and the company was looking to move to the skyscraper.

Unisys had originally said it would make the move in January 2009.

The company had wanted to put 900 square foot sign on the Liberty Two building, 37 stories above street level.

Action News spoke to Joe Manko, a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, which voted 5-0 Tuesday to turn down the request.

Unisys, a minority tenant of the building, had requested a variance for the sign. Under the current rules, any sign larger than 100 square feet and more than 2 stories above street level requires a variance.

As part of the process, the company had to prove that not having the larger sign would create a hardship for the property, which the ZBA found Unisys did not do.

Manko also said that if the board had granted the variance, they feared there would be a flood of requests by minority tenants around the city wanting to put their signs on buildings above the second floor.

Manko added, there are signs on buildings around the city that do not meet the zoning code, but says those signs were put up before the current rules were adopted in 1992.

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