Over the years, I've gotten hundreds of emails, letters, phone calls and face-to-face questions about weather (often from frantic students and parents trying to figure out a science project!). The Action News Weather Class was created in response to those interactions.
In compiling the hundreds of answers you'll find here, I've relied on my own experience and training, the stack of meteorology text books sitting on my desk, government and professional websites and the expertise of my friends on the Action News AccuWeather Team, all of whom have heard the same questions over many years interacting with our viewers. Why does it rain? Where does wind come from? Are airplanes safe during a lightning storm? What are the chances that a tornado is going to land on my head? We hear them all, whether during visits to schools, or in the grocery store aisle. For those of you who aren't lucky enough to bump into one of us at the store, this web page provides an easy alternative.
The look of the Action News Weather Class was designed by a very smart fellow named Corey Herman, who is now an Executive Producer for 6abc.com and whose patience, I've learned, has no end. You'll note that I'm the author of most of the material (which I created over the space of a couple of years), although others on our staff have weighed in and may occasionally contribute on their own. I also frequently update the page.
Thanks for checking out our site. If you have any additional weather questions that we haven't covered here, don't hesitate to click the Contact Us link on 6abc.com and let me know. I love adding new content. And who knows? Your question could be next one we answer here!
David Murphy
Action News Meteorologist