Say "Boo" to the Flu
Experts say this year, there will be a record supply of vaccine.
But if you want to skip waiting at the doctors office...the Visiting Nurses Association and a foundation called Families Fighting the Flu will hold vaccination days around the country.
The campaign called "say Boo to the Flu" has a Halloween theme---to remind parents to get their kids vaccinated in October.
To find a kids' flu clinic, check out the Say "Boo" to the Flu<\a> website.
Adults can find vaccine clinics<\a> through the American Lung Association.
Economy Slows Medical Care
The slow economy has caused Americans to cut back on driving, food - and healthcare, an area once considered recession-proof.
The number of prescriptions filled dropped this year, for the first time in a decade.
Visits to doctor's offices are also down.
Joint replacements, and mammograms are among the procedures dropping the most.
Health care experts say that could actually lead to higher spending down the road, when neglected medical conditions turn into serious problems.
Strike Up the Band... Quietly
What would a football game be without marching bands?
The band booming music may boost player & fan spirit, but it can be risky to the ears of the musicians.
David Fairchild, a band director, says, "It's almost as if something tangible has hit you in the face. It's about as loud as a train."
Over time, loud music and noises can damage hearing.
14-year-old Alex Dollard is now wearing special ear plugs as a precaution.
He says, "It kind of deadens the sound. You can still hear everything. It's just kind of like you put a thick blanket over it."
He knows that a musician with bad hearing isn't a very good musician.