Vote 2008: 7th District congressional candidates

BROOKHAVEN, Pa. - October 1, 2008 7th district incumbent Joe Sestak explained to senior citizens today his Monday vote for the $700-billion economic bailout that was rejected by the full House.

Sestak voted yes, despite widespread voter anger at the barons of Wall Street.

The former Navy admiral, running for a second terms, says he understands the skepticism.

"The citizens of this nation have the right to wonder about the legitimacy, the accountability of a government, that let us get into this," Sestak said.

Sestak's Republican challenger, Craig Williams, an ex-Marine and former federal prosecutor says he would have voted against that original bailout plan and says the finger of blame should point everywhere.

"There may be some blame for Republicans and, in fact, I think there is. This administration has failed us in some ways, a Republican congress and senate have failed us in some ways, but since 2006, nothing has gotten better," Williams said.

The Republicans still have a large registration advantage in Delaware County. They desperately want the congressional seat back after long time incumbent Curt Weldon lost to Joe Sestak two years ago.

As williams embraces the GOP ticket, he emphasizes his family ties to McCain running mate Sarah Palin; his brother was her speech writer when she ran for governor of Alaska.

"She thinks like average America and it won't take long at all for her to be in the White House with John McCain and quickly become qualified on the national issues of the day," Williams said.

Sestak says he easily embraces Barack Obama at the top of his ticket.

"I need a partner in the White House who believes in the same ideals and the same programs I do," Sestak said.

The winner of Sestak-Williams could well be determined by how the bruising Obama-McCain battle plays out on Election Day in Delaware County.

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