Clothes teens crave... Prices parents love

November 12, 2008

Carol Topolski, owner of the newly opened Plato's Closet franchise in Exton, Pa., explains that the store resells gently used items from the mall stores that cater to teens, at a fraction of their retail prices.

The racks are filled with name-brands, like Hollister, American Eagle, Abercrombie, Juicy and more.

The store pays cash on the spot for the gently used items, and quickly gets them out on the sales floor.

Both young shoppers -- and their parents -- are giving the store rave reviews.

Jane Desiderio, a mom from Downingtown, says her daughters quickly outgrow their name-brand clothes and she likes the savings at the resale store.

Devon Otto, a young shopper, says she may never shop retail at the mall again, because the prices are so much lower at Plato's Closet.

Here are some examples:

New Lucky jeans can sell for $129. At Plato's Closet, used Lucky's in a similar style are just $18.

True Religion jeans retail for $262 -- the same brand, used, at Plato's Closet sell for $40.

Sweats from Juicy Couture retail for $120 -- at Plato's Closet they're $18.

The store also has accessories, along with guys' clothes including jeans, shorts and shirts.

Each Plato's Closet is an individually owned franchise. To find the one closest to you, check out this link.

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