Fumo's former butler testifies - Philadelphia News

CENTER CITY - December 10, 2008 In court this morning, the prosecution tried to show just how lavish a lifestyle Fumo led by allegedly misusing taxpayer money.

Matthew Fonseco, Senator Vincent Fumo's former butler, was the primary prosecution witness today.

The professional polo player offered testimony to bolster the government's charge that Fumo misused taxpayer resources.

Fonseco testified he met Fumo while working as a chef on a yacht, the Enticer. It is one of several private boat trips the senator allegedly took as part of a fraud scheme against the independent Seaport Museum.

Fumo was a board member of the museum, who was by law only to use the boat for fundraising or promoting the museum.

Fonseco told the jury he was eventually hired as the butler at Fumo's Green Street mansion, under the direct supervision of Fumo's senate office employees in South Philadelphia.

Fonseco told the court he was given a government-owned computer for receiving e-mail orders from the senator and his staff about household matters including food shopping.

Fonseco said a Fumo staffer serviced the computer at regular intervals.

Fumo's corruption trial is now it its eighth week and is expected to go the January.

The defense claims the work done for the senator was legitimate, the product of the employees love and respect for their eccentric, but powerful boss.

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