Fresh Grocer hiring in Germantown

GERMANTOWN - July 22, 2009 16-year-old Jasmyne Boggs was among the first in line seeking work at a three day job fair starting today in Germantown. More than 400 people lined up for fewer than 200 jobs.

"It's a recession. I'm trying to take anything that's out there," Elijah Hockett of Mt. Airy said.

Those hired will work as cashiers and clerks earning $7.25 to $18 an hour at a newly built Fresh Grocer in the newly developed Shoppes at La Salle. Job seekers came early, dressed for success and armed with their A game. Marjani Burton of North Philadelphia needs enough income to support her 2 year old.

"The economy is tough right now. I haven't' been making enough money so I'm trying to find a second job. I've been working as a shampoo girl at a barber shop," Burton said.

Jamo Obertlon left a management job at ACME to start a tow truck business that never picked up enough speed to support his 4 children so he's back in the job market.

"I do just about it all, but I'm looking for a management position, hopefully a department or assistant store manager," Oberlton of Wynnefield said.

"We have a great turnout of qualified excited individuals that want to get back to work," Sheila Lajoie of Fresh Grocer said.

The Fresh Grocer job fair continues tomorrow and Friday. Those hired will start training Monday with a store opening set for late August

Jasmyne was hired as was Jamo. Those not as fortunate will get another shot when Fresh Grocer begins hiring for another new store on North Broad Street.

HIRING FAIRS. All events are being held across the street from the store at the former Germantown Hospital-Entrance states "EMERGENCY". You will see signs directing you to the "Outpatient, Medical Offices area" You will be greeted at the door and directed to the next step.






We request that all candidates are dressed in interview attire. All facial piercings must be removed and all tattoos covered.

We are hiring all department clerks, stock people and cashiers at this time.

Wednesday July 22nd 2pm-6pm

Thursday July 23rd 2pm-6pm

Friday July 24th 2pm-6pm

If you are getting here by Public Transportation:

Take El to Broad and Olney (transfer needed)

Take either the #18 or #26 bus on Olney Avenue to

"The Shoppes @ LaSalle Shopping Plaza", upon exiting the bus follow arrow placards placed in grassy areas.

If you are Driving:

Enter the visitor's parking lot and stay to your right for free parking

If you go to the left it will require a ticket to be paid upon exit

Follow signs to the:

Medical Office Outpatients Building

1st Floor Meeting Room

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