When Action News visited bars and restaurants across town, there was always a group who tried to duck for cover so their boss wouldn't see!
Others, meanwhile, came clean in advance.
"I basically told my boss that there was potentially a Phillies game on Wednesday, in that case I'm not going be there," said Mike Reinert of Reading.
Some risked their job.
"I said they're going to have to fire me if somebody didn't work for me because I wasn't going to miss this no matter what!" said Lori Hinnershitz of Reading.
Then there were those who just took matters in their own hands.
One man, who didn't want to be identified, said his boss thought his he was on the road, making deals.
"That's just so not happening," he said.
Sometimes the boss was in on it.
"I'm the boss and I said we had to have our meeting here. It was a company function," said Mike Flynn of Newtown.
For some students at Temple they could catch the game between classes. One even ditched studying for his 5:30 test to watch his team.
"We're hoping the game is over by 5:30 or I'm going to miss it!" said senior Joe Corbett.
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