"The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" focuses on brothers Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon as they prepare to reunite for a concert tour. It also chronicles their lives as they cope with Michael's drug-induced death in June.
There will be six episodes, the network said.
"This deeply intimate portrait will provide viewers with a raw and honest look inside a musical dynasty," said A&E and Bio Channel vice president Robert Sharenow.
It remained unclear whether Michael Jackson or his children, Paris, Prince Michael and Prince Michael II (known as Blanket), will be seen in the shows.
The cable network had originally announced "The Jacksons" as a documentary special in May, before the star's death. In August, "Entertainment Tonight" aired what A&E said was leaked footage from the special.
The 50-year-old King of Pop died June 25, weeks before he was scheduled to begin a string of comeback shows in London. ---
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