There's the arm cough, frequent hand washing and hand sanitizers at the building and classroom entrances for adults. Toys, which often wind up in children's mouths are sanitized regularly as are common surfaces. Still a few Caring Center children were recently diagnosed with the H1N1 flu. Parents were alerted, but the center wasn't closed.
"We're continuing our measures. If we see a spike in something, we'll deal with it then. But we're still seeing the same normal course of illness that we would normally see," said Sherilynn Kimble.
Some places that cater to children face the added challenge of volume. The Please Touch Museum sees more than 300,000 visitors each year. Here they encourage them to be hands on while trying to make sure they keep their hands clean.
Museum surfaces are wiped down and props cleaned regularly.
"H1N1 is just the beginning we've been sanitizing museum for years. So it's really nothing new to us."
Here, they rely on what they already know to combat new concerns about the H1N1 flu.
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