Parenting Perspective: Avoiding homework battles

PHILADELPHIA - September 20, 2010

My son, Nicholas, tackles his 3rd grade homework shortly after getting home from school. That's mainly due to the routine my wife and I set up for him.

Elementary school principal David Tate says we're on the right track! It's not the time that's important for homework, but the consistency.

Tate says children should get in the habit of doing homework every day at the same time and place whether it is after school or dinner.

"You have to know your child," Tate said. "Some need to do it right after school, some need to recharge."

For elementary school children, homework is basically assignments children bring home - lessons to reinforce certain skills or subjects.

Educators say that homework teaches a child responsibility and also develops good study habits.

It's also important for parents to be involved. Tate says parents should enforce homework discipline.

Also, look for signs that a child may be overwhelmed with the work he or she brings home. It could be a sign of a larger problem like not understanding the subject matter.

"We also need to be careful not to give too much homework. We don't want to make homework a battle at home," Tate said. "We need to make sure the length of homework is appropriate."

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