Day 2 of Occupy Philly as NY protest continues

NEW YORK (AP) - October 7, 2011

So what is Occupy Philadelphia?

Someone described it as a stirring of political energy, but will it become an organized force like the Tea Party?

For now it seems a loose collection of individuals unhappy with something from privatized prisons to the lingering impact of issues stemming from slavery.

Many focus on big banks and corporations and ask why risky Wall Street behavior has gone unprosecuted.

The connection between government and corporate campaign contributions is also a big issue for many gathered at City Hall.

Wall Street protest functions like a small city

The three-week-old campout in a lower Manhattan plaza looks like a jumble of tattered sleeping bags. But volunteers working on food, security, sanitation, first aid and other needs keep the Occupy Wall Street protest functioning.

The protesters say they're modeling the democratic society they would like to create. Protester Andrew Flinchbaugh (FLIHNCH'-bow) was sweeping the concrete plaza Friday. He joined the group working sanitation. He says the motto is "You see something, you take care of it." Katie Cristiano was serving donated bagels, doughnuts and scrambled eggs. She works on an organic farm in New Hampshire, so food is her area of expertise. The medic area was well-stocked with first-aid kits. Registered nurse Amy Cruickshank says she has treated cuts and scrapes and some cases of hypothermia.

Associated Press writer Karen Matthews contributed to this article.

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