Action News talks with Tammy Reid

November 9, 2012

Tammy says they have been keeping busy and assures everyone they are fine.

At a fundraiser for her favorite charity, her compassion and generosity are evident, her heart is full, and she is full of life. And despite what has undoubtedly been a tough few months, she smiles, not wanting anyone to worry her or her family.

"We're doing great, staying busy. Andrew is getting back to work. We're all going and doing what we're supposed to be doing," she said. "You just have to move on."

Tammy Reid's smile is contagious, and her positive energy is positively infectious.

It's hard to imagine that behind that genuine southern grin is a mom grieving the recent loss of a son.

"There's no right or wrong answer on how to deal with anything. You keep moving forward and love the people and do what you can," she said.

What she is doing is giving back and helping others, even in her time of healing.

Action News caught up with Tammy at a fundraiser for a charity close to her heart, The Laurel House in Norristown, which provides a safe haven and services for women and children affected by domestic violence.

"It is for these women who are not married to an amazing man like I am, and I feel really sad for them. And I want them to get out. And I want them to be empowered, to know that they are really a neat and wonderful person, and that someone one day will love them the way they should be loved and respected," she said.

Speaking of love, she says her own family has received an overwhelming outpouring of support since her oldest son Garrett lost his struggle with drug addiction in August.

"We still get letters every day from different people around the world," she said. "It's been really neat. That's when you really realize there is more out there than you realize. And you are not the only person out there and you're not alone."

The holidays are hardly lonely at the Reid home.

Tammy serves up a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings for the family from both on and off the football field.

"We usually do two or three turkeys. There's a lot going on at our house, and we invite the people that don't have anywhere to go around the Eagles if they need somewhere to go," she said.

The Reids have been very tight lipped about their loss, but Tammy says when the time is right, she will share their story to raise awareness about addiction.

"Maybe one day down the road when it's not so new," she said. "We've been asked from a lot of people to do things, but I'm like, 'yeah, when I'm ready I'll know.'"

Until then she is sharing this message with others who are trying to help their loved ones get help: "Just keep loving them and keep supporting them. Don't enable them, but be there for them when they fall and help them up again. But just let them know you love them, and that you're there no matter what."

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