At the corner of Monument and Broadway in Gloucester City, stood four plaques bearing the names of World War II veterans.
The plaques went up in the 1940s but now the 200 pound bronze plaque with names 'R' through 'Q' is missing.
"We have a large veterans population in Gloucester and they are devastated and furious," said Bob Bevan.
"I was just so frustrated, I can't believe people could do something like that," said Jack Lipsett.
Bevan and Lipsett work for the city and organized to have the monument renovated after years of wear and tear.
Half of a dozen of Bevan's family members have their names on the plaques.
"We felt we had an obligation to these people to rebuild the monument," said Bevan.
On October 23 around 6:15 in the morning, they took the plaques to Tomken Metal Finishing in Cinnaminson.
A worker turned his back for a second and one of the plaques was taken.
Police suspect that the thieves didn't have time to take the other three. They also believe the plaques were taken to sell for scrap metal.
Insurance will cover the cost but the city had to dig to find the names on the plaque.
That's when they made a discovery - the name of 85-year-old Sergeant First Class Walt Clark and three others were left off.
The names of all four men will now be added. Clark is the only one of them still alive.
"I feel good about it, everybody feels good about it," said Clark.
The city isn't waiting for the plaque to be recovered. A new one has already been ordered and will be ready in about 12 weeks.