Small ice cubes melt fast… If you're planing a party and you're mixing up a big batch of ice tea or lemonade thats going to be out in the sun make some ice cubes that will keep it cold longer.
Use a muffin tin as a large ice cube tray… Just fill a muffin tin with water and pop it in the freezer the night before… In the morning just run the back of the tin under some hot water for 30 seconds or so and the jumbo ice cubes will pop right out!
If everyone's drinking out of the same type glass…how do you keep track of yours? Just buy some colored rubberbands and everyone can design their own patterns around the glass…and as an added bonus the rubber bands provide some grip around a chilly glass!
Planning on serving sorbet for dessert? Serve it in a citrus peel...
After juicing lemons, oranges or limes… Scoop out the rest of the inside… Cut a small slice off the bottom to create a sitting surface. Fill it with the same flavor sorbet…and pop it in the freezer overnight.
The fruit peel makes a wonderful presentation!
Ice cream for the kids? Use a cupcake liner as an ice cream bowl…just freeze individual Scoops in the liner the night before. Use an ice cream tray as a sundae bar for the kids set up a self serve sundae bar by adding sprinkles, crushed cookies, nuts, cherries and other toppings that they like. Some fun summer party ideas! I'm Mrs. Fixit and it's just that simple!