They've slipped on the pink gloves to take part in the 2013 Pink Glove Dance video contest, sponsored by Medline, a medical supplies company.
The video and contest started in 2009, when over 200 staffers at a Portland, Oregon, hospital wore Medline's pink gloves for a video to increase breast cancer awareness.
That video went viral on YouTube, inspiring dozens of others around the country to make their own.
This year, the Survivors of Bucks County Breast Friends submitted a video, and want votes to stay in the running for Medline's $25,000 top prize.
To see the video, click on this link. Voting continues till November 8th.
Prizes are awarded as donations to breast cancer charities. If they win, Bucks County Breast Friends plans to donate theirs to Gilda's Club Delaware Valley.
The video was the dream of Anne Clark and other members of Breast Friends. Volunteers spent many weekends developing and practicing the dance routines, to get everyone in sync. DarkSlide Media filmed the video. In addition to the survivors and friends in the video, the 4 surgeons of the Comprehensive Breast Care center also make a cameo appearance.