You probably have a lot of the necessary ingredients in your kitchen or bathroom cabinets already.
First: Makeup genius Bobbi Brown says you can use regular coconut oil from the grocery store for everything from hair conditioner to dry skin. Don't forget about good old Vaseline. It has all kinds of uses and can turn your old lipsticks into awesome glosses. When you're giving yourself a manicure at home, put it around the base of your nail to stop polish from getting on your skin.
Second, style expert Gretta Monahan told Good Morning America that 5 parts warm water to 1 part salt in a spray bottle gives you an automatic volumizing tonic that will give you that beachy feel for your hair.
Third, apple cider vinegar is great for all kinds of things, too. Try it as a hair rinse to wash away shampoo and product buildup. Or you can apply a few drops to a cotton ball and rub it on your skin to prevent breakouts and minimize blemishes. You can also use it as a mouthwash if you mix it with water.
There's also a DIY acne mask that uses aspirin, distilled water and organic honey. Because of the aspirin, you should avoid using this treatment if you are allergic. To get the complete details of the treatment, follow Beauty Banter by Sarah Howard.