A man who wore a wire for prosecutors claimed in a court filing that he paid cash bribes to several elected state representatives in exchange for favorable votes.
The allegation surfaced Thursday after a judge released documents related to Tyron Ali, a Philadelphia man who began to secretly record contacts with unnamed public officials from Philadelphia after being charged in a fraud case.
A state prosecutor says, however, that the evidence doesn't support Ali's claims that the money resulted in the sort of official action required to show the payments amounted to bribes.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane refused to prosecute the case, saying the sting operation was flawed and racially motivated.
The claim was made in September, as Ali's lawyer fought to have the judge enforce a cooperation agreement that called for Ali's own criminal charges to be dismissed, as occurred two months later.
The investigation began while now Governor Tom Corbett was attorney general.
To view the documents visit http://www.dauphincounty.org/government/Court-Departments/Pages/Tyron-B.-Ali.aspx.
Information from The Associated Press was used in this article.