Forget the Scales! Fit is the New Thin

ByAli Gorman WPVI logo
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Fit is the new Thin
Fit is the new Thin. Registered Nurse Ali Gorman reports during Action News at 5 p.m. on June 20, 2018.

For some people, throwing out your scale can actually help you lose weight and get fit.

They say "Fit is the new Thin" meaning for some people, focusing more on health and fitness instead of the number on the scale can lead to better success.

It's how one local woman says she changed her body, and feels better then she has in years.

Chelsea Borkovitz, 26, of Philadelphia is eating cleaner, feeling stronger and says her body has completely changed over the past year.

"I weigh pretty much the same exact amount but the weight had just turned into muscle so my waist shrunk by a couple inches, I lost body fat percentage," she said.

To make exercise more comfortable, Chelsea started her journey with breast reduction surgery last year.

Once she healed, she signed up for a three-month fitness challenge at Fit Academy in Brewerytown.

It included personalized training sessions and virtual, or online, nutrition counseling with On Point Nutrition "It really made me think about what I was eating and it transformed what I was putting in my body," Borkovitz said.

Britney Kennedy, founder of On Point Nutrition said Chelsea never focused on losing pounds; she simply wanted to improve her health.

"It actually makes the experience much less stressful," Kennedy said, adding if you don't have a lot of weight to lose, just 5 to 10 pounds, that's the way go.

But if it's more, then the scale can be a motivator.

"If someone has 60 pounds to lose, every pound is a victory for that person," she said.

Chelsea now prepares meals ahead of time with lots of lean protein, high-fiber carbohydrates, vegetables, fruit and the occasional splurge. She eats more now than she was eating in the past and maintains her workouts.

She said, "I've never felt better."

Borkovitz checks in with On Point Nutrition just once a month now but she tracks everything she eats and drinks on an app. It helps her continue to stay on track.

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