Hillary Clinton to stump for Wolf in Philadelphia

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Friday, October 3, 2014
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton addresses the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Global Forum closing plenary in Washington, Wednesday, May 14, 2014.
AP Photo/Cliff Owen-AP

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Pennsylvania's Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Tom Wolf, is about to receive some high-powered campaign help from Hillary Clinton.

Wolf's campaign said Friday that the former U.S. secretary of state and former first lady will headline a "Women for Wolf" rally at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on Thursday.

Clinton, who unsuccessfully sought the Democratic nomination for president in 2008, is maintaining a high national profile and is considered a potential candidate in the 2016 election.

The event is scheduled to be held the day after Wolf's third and final debate with Republican Gov. Tom Corbett in Pittsburgh. Independent polls show the wealthy York businessman holding a wide lead over Corbett.