Brother takes dying sister to her first dance

Saturday, February 27, 2016
VIDEO: Brother takes dying sister to her first dance
An older brother didn't have to think twice about who he'd invite to his first high school dance.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. -- An older brother didn't have to think twice about who he'd invite to his first high school dance.

A.J. Spader knew he wanted to bring his sister, 10-year-old Rebekah Spader, who is dying of bone marrow cancer.

"I want to spend as much time with her as possible while she's still doing good," A.J. told KSFY News.

Rebekah was diagnosed with cancer several years ago and her treatments have failed. A.J. said he wanted his sister to experience the fun of high school because she will most likely not live long enough to attend herself.

"Her laugh is pretty great, it's really fun to just be around her and just make memories," A.J. described.

"It's fun to watch her live part of life where the disease doesn't creep in," A.J. and Rebekah's father Tony Spader said.

A.J. wanted Rebekah to have the whole experience of the dance, so he brought her to dinner with his classmates and their dates.