Meet The Pink Eagles, a local mother-daughter team who lost a loved one to breast cancer and are now committed to the Making Strides movement.
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and one of the biggest fundraisers every year is the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.
This year, with COVID-19 making large gatherings impossible, the event will combine virtual and safe-in-person participation with the Walk From Home 5k.
From Oct. 5-9, teams will do their own self-led 5k walks, runs, bike rides, or car parades, and then download their steps or miles via a new app.
Meet The Pink Eagles, a local mother-daughter team who lost a loved one to breast cancer and are now committed to the Making Strides movement.
Making Strides of Greater Phila. and Southern NJ / Walk From Home 5K | ACS FUNdraising App | The Pink Eagles
American Cancer Society Philadelphia
1818 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103