Changes made to Philadelphia's free student meal distribution program | FULL LIST

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020
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PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Beginning April 23, the grab-and-go meal distribution available at 49 Philadelphia school sites will be shifting to one day per week.

"The one-day-per-week schedule is a proactive measure we are taking to further support the city's shelter-in-place guidance, minimize social interactions and help flatten the coronavirus curve," according to a statement on the city's website.

The following information was previously released by the city:

In light of the City and State emergency closures, the City, School District of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Housing Authority and several charter schools have created a new list of schools and community sites that are distribution points for student meals.

These additions also come with changes to the days in which meals will be available for distribution.

School meal sites and schedules will change beginning Monday, March 23. In addition, Parks & Recreation sites are no longer distributing student meals beginning March 23.

All meal sites will continue to be open from 9 a.m. until noon, but the locations and frequency of distribution are changed. Revisions to the meals distribution program include:

-School District sites (49 total) will be open Thursdays only.

-Families can pick up three grab-and-go bags per student/child on these days.

-School District sites will continue to make available the K-12 Learning Guides, optional resources to help reduce learning regression while students are out of school due to efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 throughout the Philadelphia region.

-Charter school sites (25 total) are also open from 9 a.m. until noon. Families are encouraged to check the charter schools websites for days of meal distribution.

-Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) community centers (6 total) are also open from 9 a.m. until noon. Families are encouraged to visit for days of meal distribution.

The following 80 schools and Philadelphia Housing Authority locations are distributing meals, beginning March 23, 2020:

-District schools open Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. - noon.

-Families will receive six meals per student-3 breakfasts and 3 lunches

School Address (zip code)

Baldi Middle

School 8801 Verree Rd (19115)

Barry, John Elementary School

5900 Race St (19139)

Barton School

4600 Rosehill St (19120)

Bartram, John High School

2401 S 67th St (19142)

Bethune, Mary McLeod School

3301 Old York Rd (19140)

CAPA (Philadelphia H.S. for Creative and Performing Arts)

901 S Broad St (19147)

Clemente, Roberto Middle School

122 W Erie Ave (19140)

Comegys, Benjamin B. School

5100 Greenway Ave (19143)

Conwell, Russell Middle School

1849 E Clearfield St (19134)

Cooke, Jay Elementary School

1300 W Louden St (19141)

Cramp, William School

3449 N Mascher St (19140)

De Burgos, J. Elementary School

401 W Lehigh Ave (19133)

Decatur, Stephen School

3500 Academy Rd (19154)

Duckrey, Tanner School

1501 W Diamond St (19121)

Edison, Thomas A. High School

151 W Luzerne St (19140)

Fels, Samuel High School

5500 Langdon St (19124)

Finletter, Thomas K. School

6100 N Front St (19120)

Fitzpatrick, A. L. School

11061 Knights Rd (19154)

Frankford High School

5000 Oxford Ave (19124)

Franklin Learning Center

616 N 15th St (19130)

Franklin, Benjamin School

5737 Rising Sun Ave (19120)

Furness, Horace High School

1900 S 3rd St (19148)

Hackett, Horatio B. School

2161 E York St (19125)

Harding, Warren G. Middle School

2000 Wakeling St (19124)

Hunter, William H. School

2400 N Front St (19133)

Juniata Park Academy

801 E Hunting Park Ave (19124)

Kelly, John B. School

5116 Pulaski Ave (19144)

Kensington CAPA

1901 N Front St (19122)

King, Martin Luther High School

6100 Stenton Ave (19138)

Lawton, Henry W. School

6101 Jackson St (19135)

Lincoln, Abraham High School

3201 Ryan Ave (19136)

Loesche, William H. School

595 Tomlinson Rd (19116)

Marshall, Thurgood School

5120 N 6th St (19120)

Mayfair School

3001 Princeton Ave (19149)

Muñoz Marín, Hon Luis School

3300 N 3rd St (19140)

Northeast High School

1601 Cottman Ave (19111)

One Bright Ray Mansion

3133 Ridge Ave (19132)

Overbrook Educational Center

6722 Lansdowne Ave (19151)

Philadelphia Learning Academy-South

4300 Westminster Ave (19104)

Rhodes Elementary School

2900 W Clearfield St (19132)

Roosevelt Elementary School

430 E Washington Ln (19144)

Roxborough High School

6498 Ridge Ave (19128)

Sayre, William L. High School

5800 Walnut St (19139)

South Philadelphia High School

2101 S Broad St (19148)

Wagner, Gen. Louis Middle School

1701 Chelten Ave (19126)

Washington, Grover Jr. Middle School

201 E Olney Ave (19120)

Webster, John H. School

3400 Frankford Ave (19134)

West Philadelphia High School

4901 Chestnut St (19139)

Ziegler, William H. School

5935 Saul St (19149)

Charter school locations open on varying days from 9 a.m. to noon. (contact schools or

visit their websites for exact days):

Charter School Address (Zip)

Aspira Charter - Stetson 3200 B St (19134)

Aspira Olney Charter High 100 W Duncannon Ave (19120)

Lindley Academy Charter - Birney 900 Lindley Ave (19141)

Mariana Bracetti Academy 1840 Torresdale Ave (19124)

Mastery Charter - Cleveland 3701 N 19th St (19140)

Mastery Charter - Clymer 1201 W Rush St (19133)

Mastery Charter - Gratz High 1798 W Hunting Park Ave (19140)

Mastery Charter - Hardy Williams 5400 Warrington Ave (19143)

Mastery Charter - Harrity 5601 Christian St (19143)

Mastery Charter - Lenfest Campus 35 S 4th St (19106)

Mastery Charter - Mann 5376 W Berks St (19131)

Mastery Charter - Pastorius 5650 Sprague St (19138)

Mastery Charter - Pickett 5700 Wayne Ave (19144)

Mastery Charter - Shoemaker 5301 Media St (19131)

Mastery Charter - Smedley 1790 Bridge St (19124)

Mastery Charter - Thomas Campus 927 Johnston St (19148)

Mastery Charter - Wister 67 E Bringhurst St (19144)

Mastery Prep Elementary Charter 1801 W Pike St (19140)

Philadelphia Montessori Charter 2227 Island Ave (19142)

Richard Allen Prep 2601 S 58th St (19143)

Universal Audenried Charter 3301 Tasker St (19145)

Universal Charter - Bluford 5720 Media St (19131)

Universal Charter - Daroff 5630 Vine St (19139)

Universal Creighton Charter 5401 Tabor Ave (19120)

Universal Vare Charter 2100 S 24th St (19145)

The Philadelphia Housing Authority has six community centers open for "grab-and-go"

meals for breakfast and lunch from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to noon beginning on

March 23.

PHA Community Center Address (Zip)

Abbottsford Homes 3226 McMichael Street (19129)

Bartram Village 5404 Gibson Drive (19143)

John F Street Center 1100 Poplar Street (19123)

Raymond Rosen Homes 2301 W. Edgley Street (19121)

Westpark Apartments 300 N. Busti Street (19104)

Wilson Park 2500 Jackson Street (19145)

A list and interactive map of the 80 sites are available on

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