Police K-9 challenging incumbent goat in Vermont mayoral pet race

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Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Police K-9 challenging incumbent goat in mayoral pet race in Vermont
This mayoral race has gone to the dogs - well, one dog. A K-9 officer in Vermont is running to replace the incumbent goat as mayor.

This mayoral race has gone to the dogs - well, one dog. A canine officer in Vermont is running to replace the incumbent goat as mayor.

Sammy goes above and beyond for her community, serving as the Fair Haven Police Department's K-9.

"Sammy was actually a rescue dog," Sgt. Dale Kerber told WPTZ-TV

She's trained in tracking and drugs, but also makes time to stop at the local schools.

"All the kids they are very familiar with her and they are always wanting her to come in and pay a visit," said Sgt. Kerber.

And she might have the popular vote with the kids as she kicks off her own campaign...for mayor!

"I actually found out about it from one of the kids at the grade school. I hadn't been told about it, my canine partner, her hat had been thrown in the ring," said Sgt. Kerber.

Fair Haven has a town manager and the mayoral position is part of a fundraiser to build a new playground.

"We thought to go the national trend and have our dog challenge the mayor or whoever the candidate is for fundraising and all that money would be donated to the playground fund," said Chief Bill Humphries.

Last year, Lincoln the goat won the mayor's seat by three votes.

"Lincoln has done a great job. Lincoln has represented the community well and we thought it would be a great idea to run for one more year and see if we can challenge," said Chief Humphries.

This gets the kids involved as they vote for who they want to represent them.

"I think it is great for the kids to get involved in the politics of it, the democracy. They have a chance to vote who they think should be the next pet mayor," said Sgt. Kerber.

It's unclear if the incumbent will run for a second term, but candidates can register to be on the ballot until February.

Sammy hasn't announced her platform yet, but we can take one guess that it focuses on belly rubs and lots of treats!

And if Sammy doesn't win the election, she can always fall back on her day job with the police department.

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