Taney Dragons arrive for Little League World Series festivities

Chad Pradelli Image
Thursday, August 14, 2014
VIDEO: Taney Dragons in Williamsport for LLWS festivities
Philadelphia's Taney Dragons have arrived in Williamsport, Pa. to begin their Little League World Series experience.

WILLAMSPORT, Pa. (WPVI) -- For the people of Williamsport, Pa., it's part of tradition to watch the teams one strut their stuff in a parade down 4th Street to kick off the Little League World Series.

The Taney Dragons from Philadelphia took in the adulation and the countdown has begun.

"It's crazy, I never thought we'd make it this far. Never thought I'd have this experience, it's awesome," said Carter Davis, player.

"It's great because we are one of the top 16 teams in the world. That's amazing, never thought we'd get here but we are," said Tai Shanahan, player.

Were any of the players nervous?

"Yes, I am, although the nerves will go away once we play," said Zion Spearman, player.

The Taney Dragons have come a long way from the fields of South Philadelphia.

Soon they'll be playing on the lush field of Lamade Stadium with thousands of spectators in the stands.

However the eyes of the Delaware Valley will also be watching.

"It's really fun, fun getting to know a lot of people," said Mo'ne Davis, pitcher.

What does the star pitcher have to say to the people of Philadelphia?

"Thank you," she said.

Earlier in the day Wednesday, all 16 teams, eight from the United States and eight from other countries across the world, all gathered together to attend a picnic.

Some players say forging new relationships is the best part of the Little League World Series.

Legendary hall of famer Dave Winfield spoke to the players and offered some pointers.

"It's really about having fun. They are living their dream, just enjoy it, take it all in. Williamsport is a great host," he said.

Taney coaches say the players are bit tired from all the media attention and promotional appearances.

It's been a whirlwind two weeks and they're just ready to play ball.

"They are not used to it obviously but for the most part, they've done a fantastic job. We got a great group of kids - they are humble, very respectful," said Coach Reggie Cummings.

The Dragons will make their Little League World Series debut playing South Nashville on Friday, August 15th at 3:00 p.m.

Follow Taney on Twitter and on Facebook during their LLWS experience.