Good health for men at any age: Getting started in your 30s

ByJohn Paul, via
Friday, November 3, 2023
Good health for men at any age: Getting started in your 30s
Good health for men at any age: Getting started in your 30s

KING OF PRUSSIA, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Good health doesn't just happen. It's a lifelong effort and one that changes over time.

During Men's Health Month, it's time to turn attention to what men need to to, decade by decade.

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Troy Bauer of Roxborough was in college when his regular checkup turned up a nodule on his thyroid. At the time, his doctor didn't suspect anything serious.

"But you should still get it checked out, still get it biopsied," he was told.

Troy let it go, busy with his career and adult life. Years later, he was talking to a loved one working in medicine.

"Somehow in that conversation, I brought up the nodule that was found on my thyroid. And his jaw dropped," said Troy.

A biopsy showed the nodule had become cancerous.

"Luckily all I needed was surgery to remove part of my thyroid," he said.

Dr. Ameer Ajaj of Main Line Health King of Prussia Primary Care says many men put off regular care till their 30s - or longer.

"It's more about, providing for their families, they have kids," he said.

But the body doesn't bounce back as well, especially from wear-and-tear on muscles and joints

"This will get better, like it did in my 20s. Just give it a week or two," Dr Ajaj says many men erroneously believe.

And men need blood pressure checks every three to five years - more often for men with risk factors.

Cholesterol, triglyceride and diabetes checks should start by age 35, with cholesterol every five years and diabetes every three years.

Dr Ajaj says the 30s are the time to make any diet and exercise changes.

"It's going to be much easier to do it in your 30s and lose that weight now than trying to do it in your 40s and 50s," he said.

He says a primary care doctor you trust is the key to future health and identify doctors for you needs, especially chronic conditions. Check reviews for many providers, ask friends, or even other healthcare professionals.

"Having open dialogue, someone that you can get comfortable with is a big thing," said Dr. Ajaj.

Troy is happy he's found a good doctor for both his routine care and thyroid follow-ups.

"He's great. We have a great relationship, and you know, he really looks after my health and it's super important," said Troy.

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