Easter treats and smoke meat

MERCHANTVILLE, N.J. - April 2, 2010

Downstairs, the aisles were stuffed with customers, like Josie Wilkinson. She had very specific sweets in mind.

"My son-in-law's a golfer, so he gets the golfing chocolate bunny," she said.

Upstairs, a small, but skilled, army of workers was making more, drawing on 90 years of a family tradition.

"I would say Easter is probably our busiest holiday of all the holidays, Christmas being second, Valentine's third," said Penny Trost.

Meanwhile, at Czerw's in Port Richmond, people were waiting for something different, but no less delicious. Kielbasa. It is smoked with love by two brothers, who literally walk around fire (that cooks the meat) for their faithful kielbasa loving customers.

Some people drove an hour and half to wait that long, happily.

"For over 50 years, our family has been coming to this place for our kielbasa at Easter, so we had to do it," said Suasan Hendrzak of Lansdale, Pa.

"You'll see a grandfather brings their son, and they bring their son, so, they teach them how to stand in line and wait for kielbasa," said John Czerw of Czerw's Kielbasa.

Whether it's smoked meat or a sugary treat, there is one common ingredient in all these Easter delicacies - tradition.

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