Rape victim talks about attack - Philadelphia news

FRANKFORD - August 15, 2008 - A woman who was sexually assaulted in Philadelphia's Frankford section says, that was the beginning of a horrifying ordeal.

"He told me be quiet, get in the car and don't make me shoot you," the woman told Action News reporter Dann Cuellar. "So at that point I was just terrified that maybe he might take my car and me and that would be the end of it."

The woman, who Action News is not identifying, says it all happened at 5:45 in the morning in the 1600 block of Wakeling Street.

"He violated me in the back of my own car, in front of my own house," the victim said. "He could be doing this to anyone. No one is safe anymore."

Police say she is just one of three women sexually assaulted and robbed of personal belongings in recent months within a five block area.

The first incident happened back on June 11th at 1:00 a.m. behind the CVS pharmacy in the 1100 block of Adams Avenue. There a 16 year old girl was attacked.

"He grabbed her and pulled her in the alley and threatened to cut her throat," said Chief Inspector Bill Colarulo.

The most recent of the attacks happened on Thursday night at 10:00 p.m. in the 4700 block of Darrah Street. A 16 year old walking home from a Frankford elevated train station was accosted at gunpoint and sexually assaulted.

"He's armed and we need to get him before he hurts anyone else because girls are out there and they need to be protected," the woman said. "Guys like this just can't run around and do whatever they feel like doing."

The victims gave similar, though not exact, description of the attacker: a black man with a dark complection in his late teens or early twenties. In one case he was wearing a red hoodie with a green or grey emblem in front. In another he was wearing a gray hoodie with a red emblem on the chest.

The special investigations unit of the Philadelphia police think the attacks may be the work of a serial rapist but they won't know conclusively until they get the results of DNA evidence.

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