"This is incredible. This is probably the most amazing thing I've every seen," Michael said.
"It's amazing and you don't know how much people care until they have the opportunity to show you that," Michael's mother Lisa said.
"When my buddies came back from Vietnam and even when I was discharged in 1964, we were ignored and spat upon or just mistreated and that will never happen as long as I'm alive," Jerry Skcoch of Vietnam Veterans of America said.
But it was moments such as hugging family and friends that made the 21-year-old remember why being away from family in Iraq for the last 15 months was just so difficult.
"You learn a lot beign over there, not being able to talk to your family, not being able to see them, you really miss them and you learn to appreciate a lot more things," Michael said.
Michael has not been home for a holiday in four years and was supposed to go into business with his father, but chose to serve his country instead.
"I said did you pray about this and he said I did and I said then you have my blessing," Lisa said.
More good news, Specialist Alcorn not only gets to spend Thanksgiving with his family, but Christmas as well. He heads to Germany on December 26.