When you join a social networking site, there's an assumption that the friends you make share some common interests with you...well, now networking has gotten a little smaller and much more specific, thanks to who else? You.
You might expect to see a social networking site revolved around fashion, buut now there's a social network devoted to - "A coalition of women dedicated to advancing the values that Sarah Palin represents in the political process."
Oh, and men are welcome, too.
It's just one of the networks you'll find on Ning.com. This site lets you create your own social network by designing your own profile questionnaire. It's a great site for organizing a group of people and there are a plenty of sites just for people here in Philadelphia.
LINK: http://www.ning.com
Dressing Up Your Page
Speaking of social networking sites, WidgetBox.com will help you put some glitz and glamour to your Myspace profile. In case you're unfamiliar with widgets, they're the elements you see to the right or left of a blog or a web page that enhance the page's aesthetic appeal.
Animation, YouTube videos, classic video games, this website has every widget you could imagine for your own web page.
LINK: http://www.widgetbox.com
Coupons Made Easy
With the economy forcing most of us to cut back this holiday season, this website may help you cut corners even more. Couponmom.com is a site that takes the work out of couponing. Founder Stephanie Nelson insists using coupons can save you lots of money each week. She partners with supermarket chains and they alert her, and YOU, when items will be on sale.
LINK: http://www.couponmom.com
Listening to Literary Classics
This site may not look like much, but it's not meant to be looked at, but listened to. The name of the site, freeclassicaudiobooks.com explains what it's all about. On this site, you can download entire classic novels for free! If you have a long trip ahead of you this season, it's a great way to pass the time in airport or the car.