RELATED:Photos of the kittens
Breanna Bennish and Jaclyn Ross were walking home when they heard the kittens. They saw a corner of the crate sticking out of the dumpster and saw white and gray paws reaching for the sky.
Breanna took the kittens home where they were fed and taken care of while her father tried to find a home for them.
After a few days, Chuck Bennish gave up and called 911, which brought in Animal Control officer Dave Schlott.
The 6-month-old kittens are now in safe hands at the SPCA, where they could have been taken in the first place, instead of dumped.
Hopefully, they'll find new homes.
The girls would have liked to keep the kittens themselves, but are glad they're headed for happy homes.
They just can't understand how someone could be cruel enough to toss them into a dumpster.
The SPCA says the kittens are in good health now, and, after a short waiting period, they'll be put up for adoption.