Parenting: Becoming a "super-powered" parent

September 12, 2011

In other words, become "super-powered" parents!

A question you can ask yourself - How involved are you planning to be in your child's education this year? It's a question I've asked myself, and my answer? Well, I could certainly be more committed, more participatory, than just walking my 9-year-old to the bus-stop on his first day of fourth grade.

Experts say being a constant and steady presence at your child's school is just part of the blueprint to becoming a super-powered parent.

Jackie Taylor is an author, educator and parent. She says most parents could, and should, be more active.

"It's about the commitment, it's about being there. You don't even have to get it right. If you're there, and your presents - that's super-powered parenting," she said.

With school in session she says its not just kids who be learning. Parents should also educate themselves as parents, on how we can be better.

It means looking inward, and asking tough questions like 'Could we be better nurturers of our children?' or "Do we spend enough quality time with our kids?"

Tough questions indeed, but necessary ones.

"There are things you are not going to know. There are times you are going to have to seek mentors - parents, friends - for counsel. As a parent you have to be open to that to be a super-parent," Taylor said.

She shares these tips on becoming a "super-powered" parent.

First...Have constant conversations with your child about their life. Also, be active in the school and classroom.

Its also a good idea to create positive patterns for success including dinner-time, home-work time and bed-time.

Another tip - Create short term goals for your children. like reading a certain number of pages in a book. and help your child understand the value of being healthy and eating healthy.

"Having a focus on health and fitness, eating healthy meals, exercising on a regular basis, will be more conducive to having a successful child," said Taylor.

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