This is a story about friends helping friends and paying it forward.
I stood in the middle of a strip mall in Northeast Philadelphia with a sign reading "I'm giving away $600, ask me how".
The parking lot started buzzing, but it seemed like many people just didn't believe it.
There were some rules.
You can't keep it.
You can't give it to anyone living with you.
You can't give it to a family member.
It has to go to a friend or neighbor.
We met Nancy Hawe and listened to the story of her friend Marge.
"She is taking in her niece who is need and she is only four and Marge has three girls of her own," Nancy said.
We learned that Marge Chattam had to quit her part-time job now that her niece is living with her. Her father-in-law also moved in and as if that's not enough, everyday, she goes to next door and cares for her neighbor's mom.
"I would love to give her a surprise," Nancy said.
We went to St. Matthew's school where Marge was volunteering as a lunch aid.
Nancy explained the idea of Pay 6 Forward to Marge.
"I thought of you immediately because of all the great things you do for taking Patty and you help everybody; it's just so nice of you," Nancy said.
When Marge got over the shock, she talked about what she wants to do with the money.
"I have my niece I'm taking care of so it will help out a lot, get her clothes and food," Marge said.
That's a lesson the whole class learned.
Marge says she and her husband want to pay it forward by doing something extra to help someone else.
So we're hoping this good will continue to spread.