Hospital mailroom volunteer turns 100

DOYLESTOWN, Pa. - November 28, 2011

In fact, he's been volunteering here for two decades.

Jack now comes one day a week and would come more if he still could drive.

"It made my life more enjoyable. Sitting around looking at four walls don't help," Jack said.

But the hospital made sure Jack took a break to celebrate the big 1-0-0 because there was a line of people who wanted to thank him.

He began back in '91 when a doctor suggested he volunteer after the death of his wife.

He's been coming ever since.

Today he accepted a letter of commendation from the Bucks County Commissioners for his many contributions over the years with his proud daughter looking on.

"He's been in the fire service 75 years; he loved every minute of that. He just loved every minute of his life," daughter Sandra Huffman said.

Jack also has two granddaughters and one great-granddaughter.

He grew up in Lambertville, served in World War II. His company landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day.

"I landed on D-Day and went all the way to Berlin," Jack said.

Afterwards, he worked at the Lambertville Post Office for nearly three decade and has volunteered with the Columbia Fire Company for over seven decades.

He knows everybody.

I even asked him if he knew my great-uncle who was a fellow Lambertville veteran.

"He had a sister," he replied.

Jack was talking about my grandmother.

"Jack, you think he's an ordinary guy, but when you dig down, he's extraordinary and very special," mailroom supervisor Ernie Keyser said.

"If the Good Lord's willing, I'll be here next Monday," Jack said.

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