Philly workers honor picket lines in Hostess strike


The Action Cam was outside the Hostess Factory along Grant Avenue and Blue Grass Road on Sunday.

The striking workers are from a plant in Maine but workers in Philadelphia have been told not to cross the picket line. So far the workers have honored that directive.

The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union says Friday's walkout began after Hostess Brands Inc. imposed a contract that cuts wages and benefits by 27 to 32 percent, with an immediate 8 percent wage reduction.

Hostess, which makes Twinkies, Wonder Bread and Ding Dongs, filed for bankruptcy in January.

Hostess Brands Inc. acknowledged "tough" concessions but urged workers to remain on the job "to rebuild the company." Hostess also warned that a prolonged strike would mean mass layoffs.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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