The police tape was still up behind a number of a homes in Northeast Philadelphia near Red Lion Road Sunday night, hours after the Special Victims Unit says a 38-year-old woman was raped and robbed.
The attack happened just a few feet away from Clare Dooley's house.
"It's disgusting and it's also shocking they didn't let anyone in the development know that anything was going on," Dooley said.
Investigators say it was just after midnight when the woman was walking near the 10000 block of Jeanes Street.
She was on her way to her daughter's workplace to escort her home when a man ran up, put a sharp object to her neck and dragged her into an alley.
Neighbors who saw police on the scene didn't know about the midnight attack until this afternoon.
Investigators say the rapist got away on foot.
"It's just terrible. What kind of person would do something like that? You have Red Lion over there, you have Bustleton over there. There are a lot of kids here," resident Jim Wing said.
Now this community of families and small children is on edge.
"It just makes me concerned about going on your daily business," Dooley said.
SVU investigators say the attacker got away with the victim's purse.
As of now, police only have a vague description of the man.
The 38-year-old victim was taken to Episcopal Hospital for evaluation.